MLS# 547932 – 210 E Johnson Street, Cuero, TX 77954
210 Johnson St Calling all Investors and flippers. A great opportunity to pick up 1 to 4 properties, buy as separate properties, or buy as a package deal. (see MLS numbers for the mentioned properties at the bottom of these remarks). Most of the properties are in some stage of Demo and or remodel. Due to health issues of the seller, the seller said he is unable to complete these properties. The properties will be sold with building materials located in the properties with an acceptable offer. **This 210 Johnson St property is a Manufactured Home with a 2-car detached garage with a shop area, and additional parking area in the back. This MH was new and has never been lived in, it sustained Hurricane water damage. See photos. It has had some additions but can be removed. It would be impossible to describe the finish work needed, so buyers need to inspect the property(s) in person by appointment only. We have tried to show as much as possible the current conditions in the attached photos. Potential Future Selling Price Comps can be provided to approved potential buyers. Short term Owner Financing may be available to qualified Investors. ALL IMPROVEMENTS MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE BUYER WITH THE CITY OF CUERO. Other properties available for a package deal are: MLS – 547752, (547936- is two properties in one listing)
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